[grsec] Grsec distro?

John Logsdon j.logsdon at quantex-research.com
Sat Nov 26 09:33:58 EST 2005

Has anyone thought of setting up a grsec distro?  

A fairly minimalist one based on one of the enterprise versions but with
the grsec patches compiled in, other security patches not included, and
some of the junk removed.  I know that Gentoo can do this but to many, a
source-installation is rather too much.  It would need a 'sensible' set of
ACLs ready to roll as well.

I know it may be a tall order but I was just wondering - it would save a
lot if time for implementers if they just had to roll out a ready-made

Views anyone?

Best wishes


John Logsdon                               "Try to make things as simple
Quantex Research Ltd, Manchester UK         as possible but not simpler"
j.logsdon at quantex-research.com              a.einstein at relativity.org
+44(0)161 445 4951/G:+44(0)7717758675       www.quantex-research.com

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