[grsec] duplicate objects?

Igor Gueths igueths at lava-net.com
Sun May 15 23:53:37 EDT 2005

Hi all. I'm trying to get the sensors program to run under the role for my user, however when I put in the correct ACL for /sys Gradm complains about there being a duplicate object. The 
subject currently looks like: 
subject /usr/local/bin/sensors o {
user_transition_allow igueths
group_transition_allow users

        /                               h
        /dev                            h
        /etc                            h
        /etc/ld.so.cache                r
        /etc/sensors.conf               r
        /lib                            h
        /lib/ld-2.3.2.so                x
        /lib/libc-2.3.2.so              rx
        /lib/libm-2.3.2.so              rx
        /usr                            h
        /usr/lib                        h
        /usr/lib/gconv/ISO8859-1.so     rx
        /usr/lib/gconv/gconv-modules    r
        /usr/lib/locale/en_US/LC_CTYPE  r
        /usr/local                      h
        /usr/local/bin/sensors          x
        /usr/local/lib/libsensors.so.3.0.5      rx
        /proc                           r
        /proc/kcore                     h
/proc/sys r
        /proc/bus r
/sys r
        bind    disabled
        connect disabled

gradm -E -L /etc/grsec/learn.log (I still have some learning subjects)
Duplicate object found for "/sys" in role igueths, subject /usr/local/bin/sensors, on line 4458 of /etc/grsec/policy.
"/sys" references the same object as the following object(s):
specified on an earlier line.The RBAC system will not load until this error is fixed.

What object could it be complaining about? I once got that error when /usr/tmp symlinked to /var/tmp, and I managed to fix that. Could it be another subject in my role that's referencing /sys 
that it doesn't like? Currently, /sys is an actual directory (not symlinked to /proc). I'm somewhat out of ideas on this one. Thanks!
How many chunks could checkchunk check if checkchunck could check chunks?
-- Alan Cox
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