[grsec] pax and kaspersky kavscanner

pageexec at freemail.hu pageexec at freemail.hu
Mon Mar 7 19:19:26 EST 2005

> unfortunately kavscanner is killed by pax. If i change the flags with 
> chpax kavscaner refuses to start because it has a signed executable and 
> after changing the elf-flags this signature is detected as invalid.
> what options do i have to use pax on this system. I dont want to use 
> softmode. paxctl does not seem to have any effect at all, after setting 
> some flags with paxctl i cant see them using "paxctl -v"

1. you can use the RBAC system to turn off pax flags without having
   to touch the executable (paxctl works only if the target has a
   PT_PAX_FLAGS program header, and even then it'd mean changing the

2. you can tell kaspersky labs to stop this silly self-encryption/check
   thing, it doesn't do anything useful.

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