[grsec] Suggestion: Subject-Audit-Flag

Marc Schiffbauer marc at schiffbauer.net
Fri Jan 28 04:44:14 EST 2005


since there is the "i"nherit object flag now. I changed many
subjects to conatin things like "/usr/bin rxi". This possibly makes
many objects in my ACLs somewhat needless.

If I could set an Audit flag for such a subject I would see when and
why it is used.

To clean up ACLs I could pass the audit flag to every subject and
then remove it for every subject that will be in my logs... any
audit flag remining after some time which I do not get log entries
for could be removed from the ACLs...


+-O . . . o . . . O . . . o . . . O . . .  ___  . . . O . . . o .-+
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