[grsec] paxctl does not work, why?

Marc-Christian Petersen m.c.p at gmx.net
Sun Aug 22 14:29:23 EDT 2004

On Friday 20 August 2004 09:33, Ned Ludd wrote:

Hi Horváth,

> > paxctl does not anything on my system. I am using currently the latest
> > stable pax tools (v0.2), on a debian sarge with a vanilla 2.6.7 patched
> > by grsecurity. The symptom is the next:

> Your /bin/init is probably lacking the PT_PAX_FLAGS program header.
> Unless your binutils has been updated to support pax flag handing this
> probably wont work for you. And then even if your binutils was patched
> you would need to recompile most of your userland to support it which is
> pretty uncommon thing for debian users to do. So at this point you
> should probably be using chpax vs the paxctl.

exactly 8-) ... or use my debian packages you can find here:

deb http://debian.linux-systeme.com      sid      main
deb-src http://debian.linux-systeme.com  sid      main

everything you'll find there was rebuilt with binutils PaX support (those 
binutils are there too ;) and also sysvinit stuff.

ciao, Marc

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