[grsec] gradm2 2.0.1 and grsec 2.0.1 bug with enabling RBAC

Torbjörn Svensson azoff at se.linux.org
Sun Oct 31 04:48:42 EST 2004

Hash: SHA1

Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi wrote:
|  The problem is that the whole gradm2 compiled at once, it is not
| possible to compile gradm2 for 2.6, hold it until reboot with 2.4 and
| continue with compiling. I guess I have to add 2.4 kernel headers to the
| package, and compile the normal gradm2 with the 2.6 kernel headers, and
| force the second round to use my added 2.4 headers. :( Anyone knows a
| better solution?

Another way should be to ship the source code for gradm2 and build the
deb on the host running grsec?
If debian will ever get grsec by default, you could compile gradm2
aginst that sources and name them like this gradm2-KVERS or something
like that.

Don't know if this helps you, just my 2 cents.

- --
~  .''`. Torbjörn Svensson, azoff (at) se (dot) linux (dot) org
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~   `--  http://www.se.linux.org

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